First Mangrove Tree Planting Program

On September 22, 2015, PT Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk. planted 2,000 Mangrove trees in Desa Pantai Bahagia, Muara Gembong Sub-district, Bekasi. This activity was conducted in cooperation with the Forum of Nature Lover of Industrial Estate (FPAKI) MM2100 and #Savemugo Muara Gembong Movement, with Mr. Hendra Lesmana in attendance as the CSR Ambassador of for West Java.
This mangrove tree planting program is one PT Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk. Through this activity, PT Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk.’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. Through his activity, the Company strives to contribute to the conservation of mangrove forests in the coastal area of Bekasi, whose is in an increasingly fragile condition due to coastal erosion. In addition to preventing further coastal erosion, conservation of mangrove forest areas is also important as it is home to several species of flora and fauna, among them the endangered Javan langur.