Land Plots for Manufacturing use

MM2100 offers a limited number of industrial land lots for purchase, supported by reliable infrastructure and excellent.

Type of Soil. The type of soil in the MM2100 area is gravel, which is the best type of soil for building foundations

Flooding control. Drainwater drainage systems and emergency water reservoir are carefully designed and engineered to cope with any serious problem during wet and dry seasons. 

Five artificial ponds are constructed to prevent flood during the wet season and will serve as emergency water reservoir during the dry season

Building Coverage Ratio/Floor-area Ratio/Setback.  Coverage ratio Max 60%, Capacity Max 240%, Max Stories / Height : 4 floor / 30M, Set Back Line 25m or 12m Front, 8m (side and back) .

Land Certificate.Land with a Rights of Building Utilization so that it is ready to use.

Investment guidance.

  • Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing through the Online Single Submission (OSS) System
  • PT Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate TBK (PT BEST) received  trusted facilities from the government by providing KLIK facility for MM2100 Industrial Estate (MM2100) which is being built and marketed.

Type Of Soil

Building Coverage Ratio/Floor-area Ratio/Setback

Flooding control

Land Certificate

Investment guidance


The way to consider businesses in Indonesia
How Befa can support Tenants’operations
