Corporate Social Responsibility

The Company believes that its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts to improve the quality of life and create a beneficial environment are a long-term investment which creates positive impact for the community and the company, and therefore CSR is a strategic decision. As such, the Company’s CSR strategy is integrated within its business including the vision and mission of the Company, in order to help develop and enhance a prosperous Indonesian society.


The Company realizes that the environment is one of the main factors in supporting the business continuity of the Company, as well as the tenants in MM2100 industrial town. Therefore, in its operations the Company not only ensures that its business activities do not negatively impact the environment but also raises awareness regarding Environmental Protection and Management.

Activities Performed

Socialization of SOP regarding the Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) was conducted by the Company for all tenants in MM2100 industrial township concerning better industrial waste handling as well as to jointly evaluate the impact of business activities, and improve the industrial wastewater treatment through an organic system and planned construction of a waste water facility and infrastructure in the commercial area of MM2100 Industrial Township.

Outside MM2100 Industrial Township, the Company is also concerned with the Bekasi environment, in particular coastal areas. In 2017, the Company conducts a CSR activity called MM2100 Peduli in synergy with PT Megalopolis Manunggal Industrial Development (MMID), in which tenants from MM2100 Industrial Estate planted 11,120 mangrove trees in Pantai Bahagia Village, Muara Gembong Subdistrict, Bekasi. This activity was carried out in cooperation with Forum Pencinta Alam Kawasan Industri MM2100 (MM2100 FPAKI or Forum for MM2100 Industrial Township Nature Lovers) and #Savemugo Muara Gembong Movement.

This mangrove tree planting movement is a BeFa CSR program that has run for 3 consecutive years. However, the Company realizes that its efforts to plant are insufficient on their own to offset the rate of environmental damage, therefore it is necessary to cooperate with various parties concerned with the preservation of the coastal ecosystem in Bekasi and surrounding areas, and it is hoped that this program will therefore.


In industrial areas inhabited by tenants, social problems will arise and thus the settlement of social issues and social welfare must be optimized. In accordance with its CSR strategy and program, the Company has prioritizes implementation of solutions in the MM2100 industrial township and Bekasi area.

  • Educational support
  • Provision of religious facilities
  • Religious sacrifices (qurban)
  • Creation of business opportunities
  • These CSR program must create businesses / opportunities for business that can benefit many people.

Creativity and innovation in its business activities are increasingly needed in order for these CSR programs to create employment and self-reliance in in accordance with the Company’s expectations, ultimately targets community prosperity and sustainability in the MM2100 industrial township area in particular and the wider community in general.


The policy of the management in managing its human resources is to achieve the Company’s Vision and Mission, and to strive to increase synergies and efficiency between the companies in the Argo Manunggal group.

All labor policies refer to the Law on Manpower and Collective Labor Agreement (PKB) between the management and the employee union, to ensure compliance with applicable legislation and to minimize human rights violations.

Activities Performed

As in previous years, programs were held regularly and continued to be evaluated to achieve maximum results, as follows:

  • With regards to recruitment, promotion, competence and matters related to employment, the Company makes no distinction as to gender. The Company only applies education and competency qualifications for each position.
  • Health services have an impact on improving the Company’s productivity. Health insurance for all employees and families shall be borne by the Company, and all other permanent employees shall obtain health services in the form of insurance allowance and health benefits under a government-sponsored health insurance scheme.
  • The Company is always concerned about the safety of employees and the environment in MM2100 industrial township. The Company periodically reviews the safety policy and program improvement, announces changes and provides special instruction.

As the developer of the MM2100 industrial township, the Company’s responsibility to consumers is to provide the best service and quality. The Company seeks to meet its consumers’ demands and expectations through various facilities and its supporting aspects.

Activities Performed

Various activities were undertaken during 2017 for the benefit of consumers as well as communities, including:

  1. 24-hour security guarantee
  2. Development of organic industrial waste
  3. Provision of Religious Worship facilities, Sports, Food Center
  4. Maintenance of direct access / exit to the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, main roads, bridges, rainwater channels
  5. Construction of artificial lakes (ponds) to temporarily store wastewater after processing before it is discharged outside of the industrial township.
  6. Construction of road or new access.

Construction of New Access

In 2017, the Company made various efforts to ensure that traffic is smooth, secure and safe, as part of the Company’s commitment to continue to provide the best service to tenants as well as to the surrounding community.

Road access between East Jakarta Industrial Park Industrial Estate (EJIP) and MM2100 Industrial Township was completed in 2017.